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Couple months in Missoula

I do remember about my blog (that's especially for my mom who texts me every week asking when I'm going to post new updates).

Oh, lots of things going on. And I don't have enough words to explain how grateful I am to God. Everything that happened was His wonderful plan. God is good. Always.

I'll just go with what happened as I remember.

After our first tabling we did another one. that time we're giving away succulents. It was fun as doing it as preparing for it. Gabriel and I drew a poster with a cute cactus and capture COVID succs. (picture below)

We got more contact which is super encouraging.

During the months of growing here, I've decided to try something new. I've dyed my hair twice, and at the end of it I've decided to cut bangs. (ETSY, THANK YOU SO MUCH). It was fun cause I wasn't the only one who decided to get some changes. Gabriel and Sully got got a haircut, so now we have 3 deferent people!

We are still doing part of our ministry online (COVID cases are still growing so Montana is still a red state for Cru). anyway, it's been really fun. Our leaders doing a lot work to stay connected to students on Campus, which is a good example of fellowship for other people. This weekend (Nov 15th) we (girls) were able to attend to one of the ladies hangout. We were able to learn a lot about other ladies and about girls in our team. Also it was a good time to just connect with other people. Next week I'm meeting with one of the students fro shopping and dying part of our hair in BLUE! IT WOULD BE AWESOME! And I'm so grateful that we can connect through such things with students, so we can show them God's love.

Also I'm supper excited celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas within American culture. I'm still learning about both of them, but it's so beautiful seeing how our team is preparing for them. We'll see how it goes!

For now we're still waiting on some updates about our next location. Please pray that we'll learn it soon.

~ Irina


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